But before I follow-through with that fun, I have to brag a bit. You know how I mentioned that my mom has started adding some running to her walking? And how she completed her first ever 5K on Saturday (in the cold RAIN, no less - this woman wasn't going to let a muddy trail get in the way of her goal!)? Well, I'm so very excited to report that she finished THIRD in her age group!!!!!! How's THAT?!!!! Go, Mom, Go!
Borrowing the rules from above mentioned speedy Nitmos:
Each player answers the 5 questions on their own blog. At the end of your post you tag 5 other people and post their names. Go to their blogs and leave a comment on their blogs telling them they've been tagged and to look at your blog for details. When they've answered the questions on their own blog, they come back to yours to tell you. (My edit: Or any version that works for you. It's fun to break the rules once and a while, right?)
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
Ha! I didn't know ANYTHING about running except that it scared me and there was no way in the world you'd get me to do it. Well, wait a minute . . . I'm doing the math and having some flashbacks . . . I think about 11 or 12 years ago I HAD dabbled in it a bit and knew that it wasn't a good fit because I hadn't unlocked the mystery of breathing while running (an essential piece, don't you think?). I tried to like it, really I did. And I had a crush on a soccer player who loved to run, which was somewhat motivating . . . but, it didn't stick. So, yes, 10 years ago, I didn't run.
2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
My worst run experience was 3 years ago when my husband and I took our son (then 9 months old) on a trail run with us. The problem wasn't really with the run itself, but rather due to the fact that he had a delayed allergic reaction to his first dairy experience that afternoon. So, once we noticed the problem (pretty obvious hives and facial swelling - that weren't there when we started, I should note), we high tailed it back to our car and straight to the ER. Thankfully all was well, but we felt rather shameful that we were out for a run while our son was having an allergic reaction, and a bit gross in our sweaty gear as we hung out in the hospital. It was hard for me to get back to running after that because every time I saw my shoes I felt guilty.
I don't know that I can pinpoint a BEST experience, but my Turkey Trot run of 2007 was pretty fabulous (and also my FIRST blog post!) and my race on Saturday was pretty good, despite the rain! It sure helps that they are hometown races. There's a special element to a run in your community that isn't there when you run out of town (those have their own special excitement!).
3. Why do you run?
4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
Holy moly. That's a big question! I think that having shoes custom fit is the best advice I've followed. I'm sure there are some other good pieces I've picked-up along the way, too, but the shoes one really sticks with me. AND, I think it is good to be re-fit for shoes occasionally, too. I ran in the same style of shoes for 5 years (New Balance) and though I love them and all of the time they supported me in my running, I just had a fitting last month. Turns out, my new pair of Brooks are a better fit for me in my current phase of foot-shape, how my foot strikes, my stride, etc. I love them, but know that I never would have found them if I hadn't gone to have them professionally fit!
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
Well, you all know about my love of cookies and more cookies . . . and that in a previous life I was a pom pon girl (sorry, no pics of that!) . . . so, what could possibly be left?
OK, here's something totally random for ya. I have an adversion to foods that have a yogurt-like or cottage cheese-like texture. Tapioca pudding is out, sour cream is out (unless it is mixed into something) and of course yogurt and cottage cheese themselves. I realize this is a bit sad, as it keeps me from the great benefits of yogurt and some other potentially fun flavors, but since I was a kid, I haven't been able to stomach even the thought of swallowing those foods. I keep hoping it will change, but it hasn't yet!
Tag . . . you're it:
1) Michelle (who is currently wilting in the heat, like many of you!)
2) Sarah (who runs faster than I can ever hope to run)
3) Holly (a Marine Corps Marathon entrant!)
A pom pon girl! Very interesting! :>) Thanks for sharing!
Congrats to your mom.
Love learning about you especially about your book - that is awesome.
You're missing out on the cottage cheese! I could just sit with a contianer of that and eat it up!
Oooh fun! I just saw the tag, thanks. 10 years ago I never thought I'd be a runner. Thank goodness I discovered otherwise!
Hooray for your mom!
I'm with you on the cottage cheese thing. I don't care what it tastes like...just LOOK AT IT.
Thanks for the shout-out!
love the random note.
I can NOT DO mayo or salad dressing.
gag reflex galore.
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