Friday, June 5, 2009

Checking the Numbers

I posted at the start of May that I would be tracking my mileage on the calendar. This is the first time I've really charted my distance since marathon training in 2003 (yikes, that was a long time ago!), so it was a true learning experience. I had to get back in the groove of remembering to transfer the happy little number from my Garmin to the calendar AND I had to get over the shock of how much lower my mileage was than I expected.

I was pleased to see that I really did get in 3-4 runs/week, which isn't bad when you consider we also got in a 4 day trip to CA to visit Yosemite and family and that I also did 18 miles on my bike (towing my daughter in the trailer, no less!) and we hiked countless miles. But 39.2 miles over the course of a month was lower than I thought it would be. If the Run Like Hell Half in Portland this October is going to be a successful reality, these feet have some more running to do!

How will I get my mileage up this month?

- My Saturday group runs really will turn into long runs now that more ladies are participating. At least two of the gals are also planning for the Half, so instead of 2-4 miles on Saturday, we'll be logging 5-6 to start and then increasing our mileage from there.

- My amazingly talented singer/songwriter friend, Loni Rose, is now joining me for a run on Wednesdays while our sons are in school (and maybe the boys can bike beside us when school is out!) and she likes to run a good distance. We celebrated National Running Day with a 5K run and were pleased to discover that our paces are similar and that we really had fun together (even though we were a bit slower than either of us would run with our husbands - less chatting with the guys, is my guess!). 2 loops around the lake is 5K, so next week we're adding a third loop.

- Now that my pace is a bit faster (when not talking too much!), I can get in more distance in a shorter time while pushing my daughter in the jogger. She's also happy to go now, especially if we can stop at a park mid-way or post-run. The park "carrot" also enables us to go for a bit longer.

- My son will be in a YMCA soccer/t-ball camp in the mornings the last week of June, allowing me to keep with our usual weekly routine for the month. July will be a different story, but I'm just taking things one month at a time.

How about YOU? What do you do to increase your mileage? Any challenges you have to work around?


@silverpeanut said...


I try to look at the big picture, say in a 6mo period where I want to be at total milage/wk, then spend the time to break down per month what the increase needs to be, that way your body can gradually develop the strength (safely) and you can also make the necessary diet adjustments.

Great post!

btw, what is your Nike+ username?

teacherwoman said...

I try to keep in mind the 4 week cycle... increasing mileage only by 10% each week, and on the 4th week decrease by 25%. The fifth week you start back up at where you were at the week before the 25% drop (week 3). This is extremely challenging for me, especially when I am doing swimming and cycling in there as well. Juggling it is quite fun and you need to be flexible. That is most important!

Unknown said...

My challenge is fitting it all in - cycling, running, yoga, stregth, swimming (which gets left out a lot).

Pavement Runner said...

With your results at Run Duvall, it looks like it is working. Keep it up. Sometimes it isnt about the total miles, but how hard you work for that time frame.

Enjoy Yosemite... it is absolutely beautiful.