Monday, September 14, 2009

Race Season

The Summer 2009 race season came and went. I was pleased to knock out a few 5K runs, two timed and one memorial run.

The memorial run also happened to be my 2.5 year-old's first fun run experience (that's her above - pre-run). She had so much fun running the kids' dash with her peers (2 and under!) that she asked to run it again . . . and again, both of which were the same distance as the "big kids" (10-12). I cannot begin to express how thrilling it was for me to see her run - arms pumping, legs circling, all with a HUGE grin on her face. I truly believe that those little dashes taught her what running is all about: letting go, having fun and feeling the satisfaction after a good run.

I had hoped this fall would be my chance to train for and complete a Half Marathon, but I found that running with one kid in a jogger while encouraging another kid on a bike to pedal along side me is NOT as easy as I envisioned this summer. But this doesn't mean that races won't be part of my fall running experience. Instead I'll be using Fall 2009 for some other important things:

1. I'm volunteering next weekend at the Seattle TREK Women's Triathlon. This will be my first volunteer experience for a large event and I can't wait!

2. I'm working hard to promote a weekly Saturday morning women's trail run in our community. Since I initiated it in May I've seen mixed results. A few dozen folks have expressed interest in it - now the trick is to get them out of bed and into their running shoes!

3. We Are Girls Who Love to Run will be at the Seattle Marathon & the Portland Marathon Expos at the Banana Blossom Press booth. I'm thankful for Maria, who also displayed the book (and sold some copies!) at the Iron Girl Seattle event last weekend. If you haven't seen her greeting cards for athletes, be sure to check them out. There are cards to celebrate all distances, the love/hate relationship of training, as well as love for other sports. It is so much fun when small businesses can connect to support one another.

4. My son started full-day Kindergarten 2 weeks ago, which leaves me with a bit more time for running and building my distance base. And since my daughter loves being in the jogger we'll do more outdoor runs this year while she's still light enough to push (not too much longer, I fear). This morning we went for a 2 mile hilly run before her first day of pre-school. What a great way to start the week.

5. I'll be taking fun and easy steps to promote running experiences through the We Are Girls Who Love to Run page on Facebook. Volunteer opportunities, food for thought, and interesting upcoming races will be posted there. I post no more than 3-4 times per week, so come on over and become a fan!

What's on your plate for the Fall 2009 Race Season? Are you working toward a new goal? Be sure to post below!

1 comment:

Mike said...

My wife should learn about your efforts. She wants to run her first marathon before the year ends.

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