HOORAY!!! Today marked the first day in over two weeks that we left the house using something other than just feet. The snow/ice finally melted enough that we could take our four wheel drive vehicle out of the neighborhood and even venture as far as the next town. Though it was a bit like taking two monkeys out of a zoo into the wild of the human world for the first time, it was still nice to get out of the house!
So, what have we been doing for all of these days? Here's a little list of cabin fever busters we attempted over the last few weeks . . .
1. Run on the treadmill. Even Mr. Music took a bit of a walk on it (assisted, with a MAX of Speed 2)
2. Holiday movies (Rudolph, Grinch, Mickey, Garfield, Frosty . . . shall I go on? I think Mr. Music saw each one at least twice - and this is a boy who watches 1-2 half-hour shows MAX a day, if ANY!)
3. Christmas cookie baking (just once - with just enough to share with neighbors and Santa)
4. Trips to the Vet (2 trips made by my husband, father and dog - once by foot because the roads weren't safe, another by car in the miracle window of good weather and "safe" streets before the third wave of snow hit). I'm thankful his bite is healing nicely now.
5. Christmas Card writing (see letter below) - complete with Mr. Music signing his name on each card himself!
6. Pre-Christmas toy sorting to make some space for a few new things from Santa and family
7. Facebook updates
8. New quilt project
9. Driveway shoveling
10. Igloo construction with snow from said driveway
11. Treadmill running
12. Balance ball workout
13. Dinner prep game - What can we make with what is in our fridge and pantry???
14. Treadmill running
15. Closet sorting
16. Driveway shoveling
17. Visits from parents who snow-shoed a mile to get here
18. Sledding with neighbors
19. Present wrapping
20. Piano playing and Christmas caroling
21. No church due to road conditions - lessons and carols at home!
22. Shoveling out neighbors' stuck cars
23. Christmas!!!!!
24. Using degrees in English, Art History, Forestry & Education to put together children's toys
25. Catching up with all of the laundry TWICE
26. Treadmill running
27. Digging trenches to allow the snowmelt to reach the drains and prevent our garage from flooding (that's where all the books are!!!)
28. Oragami with Netflix mailing envelopes - they have patterns on their website!
29. Phone calls to distant family to pass along words of cheer for Christmas
30. Writing "Mad Lib" style thank you notes for the gifts we received (see below)
I'm sure there was more excitement these few weeks, but I've blocked them out . . . I'm putting the "adventure" behind me now and am looking forward to the promise of a new year!
Here are the letters we put together for our friends and family this year:
When you leave the Christmas card responsibility in the hands of a little redheaded girl who is not quite two years old, you get something musical, short and snappy - much like her!
(sung to the tune of “Baa Baa Black Sheep”)
Hel-lo, everyone!
For Merry Christmas time,
(Sister’s) here to sing you
A little family rhyme.
(Mr. Music) is reading,
And learning how to write.
Daddy is dreaming
Of me sleeping through the night.
Mommy is eye-ball deep
In blogs and press releases.
I’m learning to put together
Puzzles with (a handful of) pieces.
Swimming lessons, music
And (Mr. Music)’s pre-school, too.
As much as we enjoy them,
None are as special to us as you!
Merry Christmas, Family.
Happy New Year, Friends.
Wishing you love and joy
As this full year ends!
Little Sister
And our thank you notes go something like this:
We’ve been a little stir crazy this December (i.e., the snow has kept us homebound for over 2 weeks!). To entertain ourselves (and you), we created this “Mad Lib-style” note to express our gratitude for your kindness this Christmas. We did part of it for you, but you’ll need to pick the nearest friend or relative to help you fill in rest of the blanks before you read the note. Be creative and enjoy the results!
Adjective: ________________________
Person’s Name: ___________________
Person’s Name: ___________________
Verb: ___________________________
Verb: ___________________________
Plural Noun: ______________________
Verb: ___________________________
Noun: ___________________________
Verb: ___________________________
Noun: ___________________________
Verb ending in –ing: _______________
Number: _________
Number: _________
Noun: ___________________________
Group of people: __________________
Noun: ___________________________
Person: __________________________
Person: __________________________
Verb ending in –ing: _______________
Exclamation: _____________________
Adjective: ________________________
Sorry I can't format the letter to look right here on Blogger. I think you get the idea, though!
Dear _______________,
(person’s name)
Christmas at our house was _______________. We spent the day with
_______ and ___________ doing _____________. We ______________ with
(person’s name) (person’s name) (verb) (verb)
our new _____________________.
(plural noun)
My favorite part of the day was _____________ ______________. Next
(verb) (noun)
year I hope we can do it again, and maybe __________________ with ____________, too.
(verb) (noun)
Snow has been _______________ here for _______ days. We took advantage of
(verb ending in –ing) (number)
the _______ inches of snow by building a ______________, sledding with our
(number) (noun)
_____________, and having ______________ fights. My _________ and _________
(group of people) (noun) (person) (person)
even snow-shoed to our house everyday to visit with us! It is all melting now and we’re
____________ for floods. _____________!
(verb ending with –ing) (exclamation)
Thank you again for your thoughtfulness this Christmas. I really like the
__________ and ___________ and ________________
(noun) (noun) (noun)
you sent me. I’m looking forward to ______________________ with it.
(verb ending in –ing)
Have a _____________________ New Year!
(person’s name)
Enjoy the end of 2008, everyone!