Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday: Lost in the Pages . . . quite literally

One three-hour block of time each week I'm treated to kid-free time. This is achieved by taking on my friend's two girls for a different three-hour chunk in the week so she can have some kid-free time, too. I usually reserve this time for one or more of the following:

1. A business meeting with my mom (top priority)
2. A run (if it weren't for the importance of #1, this would get top billing)
3. Finding my kitchen
4. Running errands
5. Pulling the too-small clothes out of my children's closets when they aren't there to object

Today took on a bit of a twist because I headed with my dad (a piano technician who runs his own business) to a marketing writing meeting about an hour from here. So, it was sort of like a business meeting with my mom . . . except my mom wasn't there (she was quilting, lucky gal!). And, it was sort of like running . . . except I was in my "fancy" jeans (ie - no kid spit, food, snot, etc. on them) and nice tops and the distance was covered by my car rather than my feet.

It was a great experience, despite the fact that I didn't get to do my usual kid-free stuff. We figured out a catchy headline to use for upcoming marketing stuff (that goes to print in the next 2 weeks - clock's a tickin'!) and got a few other things figured out. It also helps that I sold and signed 2 books at the interactive lecture, too.

So, you are expecting a review of Carol Goodrow's Treasure book. And you shall have it - tomorrow! I've read and digested the book and shall be prepared to report to you in tomorrow's installment of my TRUE Wednesday: Lost in the Pages . . . despite the fact that it is Thursday. I can do that because this is my blog (I say this with a mix of authority and apology!). And, this is a remarkably accurate reflection of how life has been rolling as of late - a true peek into the life of an author on a shoestring budget!

For now, I'm lost in the pages of the notes I took, those darn press releases, and another newspaper article. I can totally see why there copy writers and ad agencies that you can hire to handle these things!!! If only I had the moolah to pass on this more tricky and precise writing so I can be left to the creative end of writing - you know, the FUN stuff: special interest newspaper pieces, another book, emails to long-lost friends . . . . *sigh*

Before my brain shuts down completely for the night, I'd like to remind you that I'm looking for books and book reviewers to spotlight/do a guest review (I originally set the deadline for August 31st, but since this is the start of the school year and tends to be a chaotic time of year, I'll extend the offer to September 15th). Send your suggestions my way, folks! I'm all ears and can't wait to get my hands on the books you share!

1 comment:

J~Mom said...

Sounds like you have been a good busy!!