Monday, January 26, 2009

Starting with a Thankful Heart and Nearly-Healthy Body

The whole family has been sick for the past 4 days. No running for this mama or her husband. But, just as the fog finally lifted to confirm that the sun does still exist, the end of the sickness is in sight . . . and my running shoes are calling to me once more.

This week is a promising one for a number of wonderful reasons:

1. I can breathe through both nostrils at the same time.

2. Wednesday is Little Sister's 2nd Birthday. I can't even believe it.

3. The kids went to bed EARLY. Don't you dare read those words aloud, or they'll wake up. Please read silently and let us bask in this rare evening!

4. I added 3 new titles to my reading list and I just love the excitement of new books. (which I promise to share with you soon - I owe you at least 2 reviews and you SHALL have them ASAP!)

5. Thanks to reason #1, Tomorrow I shall run! (no rhyming intended, it just happened)

Have a wonderful, HEALTHY week! Oh, and if you haven't done so already, take a peek at the new site: Their tag line is a great one: Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Mom.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Little Sister!

And have a good run today. :-)

Pavement Runner said...

Congrads on hopefully overcoming your sickness and enjoy the road... it has missed you.

And a Happy Happy Second Birthday to Little Sister.