Tuesday, March 11, 2008

12 Days of Christmas - Working Mom-style in March!

This time change thing is wreaking havoc on my mornings. Or maybe it is the middle of the night childcare that I've had to do with the kiddos' stuffed noses. Or maybe the fact that once I'm up with the kids I can't turn off my brain to go back to sleep. Hmmmm . . . I think it is the combo of the three that has definitely done me in!  Last night I did finally stop staring at the ceiling to read a few chapters of a book. I'm about half way through it now and will probably finish it tonight. I wish I could remember what it is called to report about it, but it is really just a fluff read - one of maybe 3 titles I haven't read that are hanging around the house.
I haven't run since I posted about my husband's challenge. That reality leaves me a bit sad and frustrated, but then I think of the accomplishments and life events that have kept me from running and I feel better. It's almost like the 12 Days of Christmas song (feel free to hum along - my son would!):
I haven't run for 3 days, but that is all because:
- 12 hours of no sleep
- 11 snotty tissues (grossly under exaggerated for the "song's" sake!)
- 10 mugs of hot tea
- 9 phone calls returned
- 8 review books sent out
- 7 emails lingering
- 6 meals a makin'
- 4 dozen emails
- 3 loads of laundry
- 2 sniffly kids
- and a husband on a business trip!
My clothes are set out for a run first thing in the morning on the treadmill. We've all been sleeping until at least 7:30 this week (WAY late to be out the door by 8:10 for pre-school!), so if I get up around 6:30, I SHOULD be able to knock out a good run (3 miles, I hope!) before the sniffly ones wake up and we have to get ready for our day. Since it is just 9:30 now and I'm heading straight for bed and a few quick chapters, this plan is do-able!!!! 


J~Mom said...

I love the song! I hope you get lots of rest tonight!

Marcy said...

Ohhhhhh I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through the same thing with the kids. Misery loves company, huh? LOL